2020 marks First United Methodist Church of Sanford’s 145th year as a congregation! To commemorate this incredible occasion, we want to take a look back at the founding of our church and walk through some of the history and stories of this congregation.
Like all history, ours is full of parts that are fascinating, painful, inspiring, and complicated. Our goal in this project is to try and tell our story, in all its complexity, including the parts that are painful and acknowledging the places where we have gotten it wrong. In doing so, we hope to live into our future by honoring our past, learning from it, and working towards healing and wholeness. Our dream is that the long historic and moral arc of this church would be one that bends towards justice, love, grace, and hope.”*
Special thanks and acknowledgment to Carole Pegram, our church historian. Carole’s years of research and compilation of knowledge have made this project possible and we are so grateful for her passion, attention to detail, and all the countless hours she has put into researching the history of this congregation!
*Words adapted to MLK’s quote: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”