Staff and Leadership


Kathy Conley – Administrative Coordinator

Albert Maldonado – Bookkeeper

Eddie Torres– Director of Facilities & Maintenance

Ryan Ganaban – Director of Worship & Family Ministries

Meghan Killingsworth – Co-Pastor

David Killingsworth – Co-Pastor


Carole Pegram – Co-Lay Leader
Valerie Russell – Co-Lay Leader

Steve Rumsey – Chair of Finance

Linda Delaune – Co-Chair of Trustees
Dick Willink – Co-Chair of Trustees

Mary Hodge – Chair of SPRC

About Our Pastors

David & Meghan Killingsworth began at FUMC Sanford in July of 2017 as Co-Pastors after graduating with Masters of Divinity Degrees from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC. They have two sweet and snuggly boys, Moses and Elijah. David and Meghan are passionate about the Central Florida community and the way that God is calling them to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable members of our community. Both David and Meghan had a special focus during their studies on ministry alongside those who are incarcerated,  after having been deeply moved by the ways Jesus was treated while he was incarcerated. Meghan spent a number of years working in church and social work settings alongside youth experiencing homelessness, families in poverty in Orange County and families in a number of local church settings. David spent a number of years in restaurant work, the entertainment industry and also in youth ministry before attending seminary.

We love Sanford and discovering all the ways that God is already at work all around us. We are excited about partnering with you to love God, each other, and the broader community with deep compassion and concrete action.

Grace & Peace,

David & Meghan Killingsworth