This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Psalms 118 is powerful. It is praise to God and the strength he provides us. It warns us not to trust in man, authorities or armies but to rely on God. It celebrates God’s mercies and deliverance. It joyously proclaims the entry of God’s people through the gates of the righteous and into the temple or courts of God and it is also considered by scholars to be Messianic.
Within context of Psalm 118, verse 24 is simply proclaiming a day for Thanksgiving.
However, for many of us, this verse is more profound. It is used as a daily reminder that every day is a gift, one that the Lord has given uniquely to us. It is a joyous and yet also prayerful proclamation of beauty, joy of living in the moment, encouragement in our walk with the Lord and an expression of thanks.
Lord, we thank you that along with the trials and tribulations of life you also provide us with the gifts of beauty, love, joy, hope and peace. We thank you for this day and every day that you give us and that we would use them wisely in honor of you.