Worship Service

Sanctuary 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

Church’s Charge Conference

McKinley Hall 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

The next Charge Conference will be held next Sunday, November 17th directly after worship in McKinley Hall. One of the topics for discussion will be setting our goals for the next 5 years (goals discussed during the visioning process held in April).

The Table worship Service

McKinley Hall 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

This is a casual, contemplative and conversational service. The service centers around communion and features community testimony and dialogue.

Finance Meeting

Ware Class Room

This group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month.

Monday Night Gathering

McKinley Hall 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

We meet every Monday in McKinley Hall for a discussion of Sunday’s sermon.

Cub Scout Pack 34 Den Meeting

McKinley Hall 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

Contact People: Brandon Otis (Cub Master) – 407-488-4206 Joe English (Committee Chair) 407-592-7130. Also meet in the Ware Classroom.

SPRC Meeting

McKinley Hall 419 S Park Ave, Sanford, FL, United States

This group meets on the third Wednesday of each month

Food Distribution

Fellowship Hall 419 S Park Avenue, Sanford, FL, United States

The Picnic Project distributes food on Fridays between 10:00am – 12:00pm. Every Thursday from 11:30am – 1:00pm, volunteers are needed to help pack food to be distributed to community members. Lunch is provided after packing is done. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit  picnicproject.org! If you’d like to give to this food distribution effort, you can give through […]

Family Ministries Picnic in The Park

Our first one was such a success, we decided to do it again. Friday, November 22nd will be Family Ministries’ Picnic at Park on Park from 5:00  - 6:30pm. We hope you will join us! Bring your own food, chairs, blankets, and games.