Co-Op Team Meeting
This group meets on the last Monday of each month via Zoom
This group meets on the last Monday of each month via Zoom
We meet every Monday in McKinley Hall for a discussion of Sunday’s sermon.
Contact People: Brandon Otis (Cub Master) – 407-488-4206 Joe English (Committee Chair) 407-592-7130. Also meet in the Ware Classroom.
The Prayer Quilt Ministry provides quilts and afghans upon request for people who need that expression of God’s love. This ministry meets in the quilting room.
This group meets on the first Wednesday of each month.
This group normally meets on the second Wednesday of each month This month's meeting will be on October 2nd because of a planned event this month.
This group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month @ 7:30am. The men meet at The Colonial Room, 105 E. 1st Street, (Downtown Sanford)
The Picnic Project distributes food on Fridays between 10:00am – 12:00pm. Every Thursday from 11:30am – 1:00pm, volunteers are needed to help pack food to be distributed to community members. Lunch is provided after packing is done. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit! If you’d like to give to this food distribution effort, you can give through […]
We are starting a new Sunday School class on October 6th at 8:45am. We will meet in McKinley Hall. We will be studying "Five Marks of a Methodist" by Steve Harper. You don't need to buy the book but we ask that you bring your Bible.