We bid the Fogle-Millers good-bye on May 7, 2000, and for six weeks, had the Rev. Ross Geiger, a retired minister, as fill-in pastor. At that time, we were required to have the parsonage furnished; the Fogle-Millers had used their personal furniture since we had none. The Trustees scrambled, but managed to fill the home by the time the Bradshaws arrived on June 14th.
During this season of the church, discipleship and outreach opportunities abounded at the church. Youth Mission trips were regularly occurring as was the Disciple Bible Study series. Sunday school classes were active as well as the United Methodist Men and Women. We had a float in the Sanford Christmas Parade most years. There were many short term studies including the beginning of the Healing Prayer Ministry, led by Phyllis Estep, who is a certified Spiritual Director. Members of the team continue to offer prayers on behalf of those seeking any type of healing.

Toward the end of the decade, the church began a RE-FOCUS initiative, making an effort to align with our Mission Statement: TO KNOW JESUS AND MAKE HIM KNOWN.
Rev. Jim Bradshaw decided to leave the ministry and in the summer of 2009, Rev. Nick Godun was appointed pastor. After a few short months with us, it was discovered that Nick suffered from an advanced stage, malignant tumor, and was not able to continue his duties long into the new year.
In late, 2009 the church learned that Mary Ann Buhrman (Mrs. Ed), age 99, who had passed away in February, bequeathed FUMC Sanford $240,000.00. Heavy hearts were inspired by the radical faithfulness of Mrs. Burhman. This bequest blessed the church for many years to come and allowed the church to survive in difficult financial times that lay ahead.
Happening in Sanford

In 2002, the City of Sanford turned 125 years old and celebrated with the re-institution of the Sanford Heritage Festival, which had canceled the previous year due to the September 11 attack.¹
In 2004, Phase I of the Sanford Riverwalk was completed. The Sanford Riverwalk is a key feature of the town’s character and is the site of lots of bicyclists, pedestrians, and visitors to our fair city. “Phase I was completed in 2004 at a cost of $13M, spanning 1.2 miles east to west from Mellonville Avenue to French Avenue. Phase II was completed in 2018 at a cost of $11M and runs from French Avenue to Mangoustine Avenue. Phase III, approximately 3.4 miles long currently under construction, will complete the Sanford RiverWalk. The recently built seawall portion constructed at a cost of $13M serves as the necessary supporting framework for the final trail and roadway portion of the project, which is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2021.”²
“In 2008 the Sanford City Commission adopted the Georgetown Neighborhood Plan, which is based on the guidelines set forth by Florida’s Department of Community Affairs program for Holistic Neighborhood Revitalization. The Georgetown Neighborhood Plan seeks to recognize and respect the unique heritage and culture of the community while encouraging sensitive growth and development of vacant parcels and underutilized properties.”
Happening in the World
2000– The first resident crew enters the International Space Station.
2001- Approximately 2,996 victims are killed or fatally injured in the September 11 attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, and in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania
2002– Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Golden Jubilee, marking 50 years since her accession to the thrones of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.[7]
2003– Concorde makes its last commercial flight, bringing the era of airliner supersonic travel to an end
2004– Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site Facebook (for Harvard University only at the time)
2005– Hurricane Katrina makes landfall along the U.S. Gulf Coast, causing severe damage and killing over a thousand people and dealing an estimated $108 billion in damage
2006- The International Astronomical Union defines ‘planet’ at its 26th General Assembly, demoting Pluto to the status of the dwarf planet 76 years after its discovery.
2007– Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces the original iPhone at a Macworld keynote in San Francisco, beginning a new era of smartphones with this invention.
2008- SpaceXFalcon 1 becomes the world’s first privately developed space launch vehicle to successfully make orbit
- https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-2002-09-26-0209250471-story.html
- https://www.sanfordfl.gov/departments/public-works-utilities/riverwalk